

Attention Growing Business Owners!

Ready to scale? E2E’s services help businesses like yours save an average of 60% p.a. on finance. Let E2E effortlessly propel your business toward its next phase, with our tailored solutions featuring everything from Custom financial reports to detailed cost analysis and more.

Let E2E Show Your Savings 

Rated 4.96 in Client Satisfaction Surveys.

Boost Your Margins With Our Expertise

Kick Stress Out of Finances

Access Unparalleled Strategic Insights


Embrace each milestone with a confident stride forward.

Unlock your mid-sized business potential. E2E prioritises your growth, leaving no limits on your aspirations.  Access flexible outsourced accounting and financial services for seamless scaling and pivoting. Expertise and technology ready when you are.

FP&A and Management Accounting

We handle KPIs, cost analysis, budgeting, and forecasting to streamline operations, cut costs, and drive profitability. Let’s build a strong partnership with clear, actionable financial guidance.

Project-Based Accounting

Leverage E2E’s expert analysis and industry insights. Partner with us for tailored accounting support, so you can focus on getting things done while we manage the numbers.


The E2E Difference Builds Proven Results

We know that each business is different and that’s why we take the time to understand your wants, needs, and current situation so that we can deliver exceptional results. Through data analysis, we identify inefficiencies, opportunities and gaps in your business leading to our recommendations for profit maximisation.

Client Focused

We firmly believe that our success is directly linked to the success of our clients. We strive to be more than just service providers; we aim to be trusted advisors who are invested in your growth and prosperity.

Our Approach

We understand that every business is different. That's why we take a holistic approach, ensuring that we fully comprehend your organisation's intricacies, challenges, and opportunities.

Comprehensive Services

We offer a wide range of services designed to streamline your financial operations and optimise your business performance, allowing you to meet your financial and personal goals.

Our Team

Led by Nicholas Dungan, our team has a wealth of experience with accounting, compliance and strategy. Nicholas is a Chartered Accountant who has a proven track record of profit maximisation and a history of successfully Implemented projects.

0 +

Years Experience


Chartered Accountant

$0 - $500 M

Range of Business Size Worked With

E2E's Virtual CFO services have been nothing short of revolutionary for us. Their strategic guidance and financial clarity have provided the kind of support we couldn’t achieve alone. With their help, we've mapped out a clear path for growth and stability.

Leigh H Founder of Design Cert

E2E's thorough cost breakdown analysis helped us identify where we were overspending and make essential adjustments. This not only streamlined our operations but also significantly boosted our bottom line. We’re now running more efficiently than ever.

Rebecca S Owner at Ethereal Embrace

The profit improvement strategies from E2E have been crucial in our growth. Their proactive approach and practical recommendations have brought tangible results, strengthening our overall financial health and allowing us to better serve our clients.

Reece M Co-Founder of Refit Training


We've helped 100s of brands just like yours

See what our clients across Australia have to say. We’ve partnered with businesses of all kinds to enhance their financial strategies and boost their bottom line.

Our Clients

A wealth of experience across a range of Industries

We’ve worked with the best of the best across FMCG, Construction, Manufacturing, Telecommunication, Agriculture and Sports. No matter your industry, we can quickly help identify improvements to significantly boost your profit and cash flow


Packages that won't outgrow you



Price (Average)


per month

Business Size

< $500k

On-Board Time


  • 4x calls
  • Unlimited email


*Terms and Conditions apply


Finance Manager


Price (Average)


per month

Business Size

< $1m

On-Board Time

1 Week

  • Unlimited calls
  • Unlimited email
  • Weekly Meetings

Everything in Accountant, Plus:

*Bookkeeping Seperate
*Terms and Conditions apply

Financial Controller


Price (Average)


per month

Business Size

< $3m

On-Board Time

2 Weeks

  • Unlimited calls
  • Unlimited email
  • Unlimited Meetings

Everything in Accountant, Plus:

  • KPI Implementation
  • Revenue Management
  • Pricing analysis 
  • Commercial advice 
  • Growth  strategy 
  • Cost reduction
  • Customer & Supplier analysis 
  • System automation

*Bookkeeping Seperate
*Terms and Conditions apply

Business Partner


Price (Average)


per month

Business Size

> $3m+

On-Board Time

2 Weeks

  • Unlimited calls
  • Unlimited email
  • Unlimited Meetings

Everything in Accountant, Plus:

  • KPI Implementation
  • Revenue Management
  • Pricing analysis 
  • Commercial advice 
  • Growth  strategy 
  • Cost reduction
  • Customer & Supplier analysis 
  • System automation

*Bookkeeping Seperate
*Terms and Conditions apply


Looking for Something Not Listed?

E2E Package Add Ons Include:

  • Debt reduction strategy
  • Employee training
  • Recruitment assistance
  • Bookkeeping
  • Payroll
  • Accounting compliance review
  • System migrations
  • Data analytics
  • Custom report building


Claim Your Free Business Performance Check

Valued at over $300, we will review your profitability benchmarked against your industry standards, providing key insights to propel your business forward – no strings attached.


+61 434 869 449




Frequently Asked Questions

Please reach us at admin@e2eaccounting.com.au if you cannot find an answer to your question.

Yes, you can switch to our firm even if you have an existing accountant or accounting team. We can work with your current professionals to facilitate a smooth transition and ensure continuity in your accounting processes. Our goal is to provide seamless service and add value to your business.

We work with businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large corporations. We understand that each business has unique requirements, and we are committed to providing customized accounting solutions regardless of the company's size.

We have experience across all industries, and we understand not any one client is the same. We strive to truly understand your business and your goals in order to provide the best service.

Our firm offers end-to-end accounting services, including but not limited to financial statement preparation, bookkeeping, short term resourcing solutions, budgeting and forecasting, and financial analysis. We aim to provide comprehensive solutions to meet all your accounting needs. If there is a service you are after which is not on our website, reach out to us and we can discuss how your needs can best be met.

We priotise our clients and pride ourselves on open communication every step of the way. Our commitment to excellence and personalised approach is what sets us apart.